Why Include EVSE in the Reach Code?
In Agoura Hills, over 70% of our GHG emissions come from gaspowered transportation. Statewide, transportation emissions make up over half of California’s carbon pollution and 80% of its smog-forming pollution.
To combat these emissions at the state level, an Executive Order was announced that all new cars sold in California will be required to be electric by 2035. That means at the local level, we need to start expanding our access to EVSE now. This will help us reach our local emissions reduction goal of 36,402 MTCO2e, the statewide target of carbon neutrality by 2045, and prepare us for the increase in EV usage in the years to come.
Common EVSE Terms
Before diving into the reach code requirements, it can be helpful to know some common electric terms about EV Charging Levels and EV Readiness.
EV Charging Levels:
Level 1 (120-Volt): 3-4 miles per charging hour
Level 2 (208-Volt or 240-Volt):10-20 miles per charging hour
Level 3 – DC Fast (400-Volt to 900-Volt): 150+ miles per charging hour
EV Readiness
EV Capable
EV Capable stalls just require space to be made for the future installation of an EVSE. That means basic infrastructure (like conduit, breaker space, junction boxes, etc.) is installed, but there is no charging equipment present.
Having parking spaces initially built as EV Capable gives the huge advantage of making future EV charging station installation easy and affordable. Instead of retrofitting stalls by breaking and repairing concrete, a contractor would only have to pill wire through the conduit and connect it to the charger.
EV Ready
EV Ready spaces require EV Capable infrastructure and a wired 208-volt outlet or 240-volt outlet (the same kind of outlet a clothes dryer plugs into). This allows EV drivers to plug their portable charger directly into the outlet.
EV Installed/EV Chargers
EV Installed spaces have full EV Capable Infrastructure and a charging station that supports a minimum of Level 2 charging.
Reach Code Requirements
The reached code requires newly constructed buildings to provide parking spaces that are EV Capable, EV Ready, and EV Chargers please see Ordinance No. 23-466.
Learn More
Thinking about switching to an EV? Check out these Intro Resources: