Residential refuse services are provided by Waste Management.  In addition to curbside refuse services, curbside recycling and green waste services are also provided.  Residents can contact Waste Management at (805) 522-9400 to establish service.

Residents can choose from six (6) service levels of solid waste collection services:

Service Level  Solid Waste Cart (in Gal) Recycling Cart (in Gal)   Green Waste Cart (in Gal)
 Mini  32  65  95
 Basic  65  65  95
 Level 2  95  65  95
 Level 3  2 - 65 gal carts  65  95
 Level 4  1 - 65 gal 1 - 95 gal  65  95
 Level 5  2 - 95 gal  65  95


Visit the dedicated Agoura Hills Waste Management (WM) site



Seniors who are 62 and over can apply for a senior discount for trash services. Please follow the steps down below for the discount/.

Senior Discount - 15% -


  • Customers mail or fax proof of age (driver's license or state-issued ID card) to customer service
  • Customers must be the age of 62 years to qualify
  • Mail proof of age to:
    • Waste Management
    • Attn: Customer Service
    • 5701 S. Eastern Ave. Suite 300 | Commerce, CA, 90040 or fax to: (866) 871-5576 
Where and how do I recycle?
How do I get rid of large Bulky items?
What are bulky items?

If you experience problems with your residential services (missed pick ups, error in billing etc.), first contact Waste Management (805) 522-9400 to report the problem.  Waste Management is committed to providing excellent customer service and resolving issues.  If you continue to experience the same problems contact the City of Agoura Hills, City Manager's Office, at (818) 597-7314 and staff will assist you in resolving them.

Residential Recycling Program Brochure   (Not Available: Under revision)

Additional residential programs include the Household Hazardous Waste program and the new Residential Organics Program(see below for more information).

Why is this program being implemented?
How does this program work?
Are there other food items that can be recycled in this program?
Is this program available for people living in a multi family complex?
Who do I contact if I have questions about this program?